Posts by doug.davis

Folx Review

Folx Review.  Folx private duty software Review. We have a lot of information on these guts form a year ago, but since then not much. I do not see that they were bought went out of business or otherwise wich would lead me to believe they are still around. However I do not see them in the association memberships anymore and their website has said “no directory listing” for the last 4...

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ADLware Review

ADLware Review. ADLware private duty software Review. is short for Activities of Daily Living. We have rated these guys after speaking with beta customers, so take that for what it is worth, we did review the system and spoke with two of there beta customers. They asked us not to share everything they are doing but we had to just say “Wow!”  These guys have been...

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Generations Review

Generations Review.  Generations private duty software Review. Generations recenlty contcted us about there rating. They were not very high and based on our summer notes we thought it was fair. However re-ranking alert. After a review of there website we had to move them on all levels. We need to review the new versions and online versions in more detail and with current customers to get a full...

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VividNet Review

VividNet Review.  VividNet private duty software Review. At one point in time this was hands down our favorite solution. Online, elegant, easy. It was some kind of expensive but it could do everything. We held off on this because of a ripple of issues the product had at launch and after the company ended up selling to HSS Global we felt the time might be right. We held off after speaking with...

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HomeTrak Review

HomeTrak Reviews. HomeTrak private duty software Reviews. IN our opinion Hometrak was a very nice solution. The guys we met in Vegas, I think they were the “Steve’s” were both very nice and they have built a good scheduling and billing solution. Lots of features and can accommodate even very difficult scheduling scenarios. Scheduling is typically the item we feel most important...

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